Акмуллинская олимпиада


Файзуллина Алина, 11 класс МОБУ СОШ №11, г. Нефтекамск

Научный руководитель: Черепанова Динара Рамиловна, учитель английского языка

Traditionally school uniform is mainly subdued. Boys' uniforms often consists of dark short or long trousers and a light-colored shirt, often with a tie. Girls' uniform varies according to countries and educational systems, but typically consist of a dress or a blouse with a skirt; some countries allow girls to wear trousers. The use of a blazer or suit-like is also common, especially in countries with cold weather. While some countries have school uniforms which are standards in all schools, others have individual uniforms of badges¹.

In the United States of America and Canada almost all private schools have school uniforms, in public schools pupils do not wear a uniform, but they have a dress code. Open tops and low-sitting trousers are forbidden. Pupils in American schools prefer to wear jeans, wide trousers with lots of pockets, shirts with graphics.

The American version of school uniform is different in public and private schools. In public schools, boys usually wear sneakers or shoes. In many schools, boys and girls wear a T-shirt and coloured jumper with the logo of the school.

In Canada School system in the late 1990s mandated strict uniform like the dress code (shirts and ties for boys, dresses or skirts for girls), although many girls did not because of frosts. In recent years, some schools eliminated skirts in favor of trousers for girls, or skirts pants or dress shorts. Also, bike shorts are sometimes worn under skirts. The tops are either dress shirts or golf shirts, sweaters or sweatshirts, grey or khaki dress pants are worn by both boys and girls².

In Germany in the 16th century was modest and not too stylish clothes. A blue coat became widespread, obligatory status symbol of pupils of secondary schools; it fell out of use during the 18th century. The sailor suits became fashionable in the 19th century. The Nazis forbade pupil to wear hats because they considered an attribute of class society.

Japan introduced school uniforms in the late 19th century. Many boys wear white shirts, short pants, and caps. Young boys often dress more formally. Girls' uniforms might include a grey pleated skirt and a white blouse. The uniform codes may vary by seasons. Also, it is normal to wear uniforms outside of school. The Japanese junior- and senior-high-school uniform traditionally consists of a military style uniform for boys and a sailor outfit for girls.

Today, there is no standard uniform in Russia; however, certain schools may have their own uniform that pupils are required to wear. Educational institutions without a uniform may also have a certain dress code.

There is also a modern tradition for girls to dress brown Soviet-style school uniform for their graduation ceremony.


1. Bluecoat schools. Boys School uniform. Retrieved 28 August. – 2008.

2. School uniform. CBBC Newsround, retrieved on 28 August. – 2008.