Мавлютова Раушания, 10 класс МОБУ Башкирская гимназия № 9 им. Кинзи Арсланова, г. Мелеуз
Научный руководитель: Джафарова Альфия Ураловна, учитель английского языка
In my early childhood I visited this part of my native land for the first time and I fell in love with it from the very first sight. Then we went there again and again and I saw many tourists there. And I couldn’t understand how to sustain tourism there and not to spoil that beautiful nature. So I decided to write a work about it. I studied the literature concerning this topic. In my work I used heuristic method with personal considerations. Let’s start with general information about the National Park.
The Bashkir State Reserve (BSR) is situated in the Burzyan District of the Republic of Bashkortostan, on the slopes of the Southern Urals. It was formed in 1980, then closed, and has been established anew since 1988. Up to 1986 it consisted of 3 parts: Ural-Tau, the Southern Krak and Pribelsky. The latter in 1986 was transformed into an independent rezerve of Shulgan-Tash. The total area of the Bashkir State Reserve makes 49,6 thousand hectares.
About 700 species of herbal, shrub and arboreal plants grow in the reserve. Herbaceous forests consisting of pine- and larch-trees occur in the most southern woods' subzone. Here European forests closely approach the Urals-Siberian woods.
The Ural-tau's forests have been preserved rather well. Large spots of clearings, and in the rivers' valleys - meadows occur among these woods. In the Southern Kraka pure pine and birch-pine forests dominate, on the slopes of the Southern expositions and the crests of ridges they pass into mountainous stony steppes, where the relic steppes' formations occur, consisting of direct onion (Allium strictum), oblique onion (A. obliquum), fringed sagebrush (Artemisia frigida), Siberian cornflower (Sentaurea sibirica), etc.
The climate, landscape and peculiarities of the plant's cover predominate the species variety of the animal world. 51 species of birds, a number of species of reptiles, amphibia and fishes populate the reserve. Very many species of fishes are entered into the Red Data Book: the European grayling (Thymallus thymallus), salmon trout (Hucho taimen), the brook trout (Salmo frutta morpha fario).
1. FSE “National park “Bashkiria”; Abdullina F.A., Tabayeva Z.R., Sultangareyeva L.A., Kotlugalyamova E. Yu., Nugush;
2. The best journeys along the South Urals: fact, legends; Rykov A.V., “Malysh and Carlson Publ.”, 2010;
3. National Parks; Nikolayevsky A.G., Agropromizdat, Moscow, 1985;
4. Everything about national parks; Bobrov R.V., Molodaya Gvardiya Publ., Moscow, 1987;